Artificial Intelligence at the edge Revolutionises industries

Powerful hardware helps realize benefits of real-time decision making.

While the cloud has quickly become an indispensable technology, challenges around latency, cost and complexity clears the way for something else to drive connected technology innovation: edge computing.

Emerging advancements in the hardware and modules fuel the possibilities for Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the edge. Edge devices and gateways-to-edge devices are now more powerful and enable the local collection, storage and analysis of data without waiting for value to be derived from the cloud and then passed back to the device. That’s critical in everything from an autonomous driving car that needs to stop on a dime, to a factory floor where an instance of downtime can mean hours or days of production delay.

Farnell and its technology partners provide not only the innovative hardware to handle evolving edge computing needs, but also the product development ecosystem — including design expertise, component selection, supply chain, logistics and more — to keep ahead of the competition. That’s more important than ever in industries like industrial and transportation, where edge AI is truly changing the game.

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AI at the edge offers

Immediate RESULTS through improved data quality and faster analysis

The ability to LOCALLY filter relevant information for analysis

Improved data COMPLIANCE and security through onsite storage

Increased EFFICIENCY through speed and lower operational costs

Artificial intelligence at the edge revolutionizes industries

Revolutionize the factory floor with insight, speed and security

Edge computing is ideal for increasing the level of automation in today's factories. For manufacturing companies that have already installed sensors, actuators and other low-level devices in their existing industrial automation systems, upgrading and retrofitting IoT-enabled devices is an easy step — one that can gather up to 1.44 billion data points ripe for actionable insights to improve efficiency and effectiveness across every touchpoint of Industry 4.0.

The advanced capabilities of AI at the edge have also been shown to increase quality, improve worker safety and greatly reduce resource expenditures.

Farnell and its technology partners provide innovative hardware to help accelerate the deployment of AI at the edge solutions. Discover how leading suppliers are offering the cutting-edge technology to make it happen.

Industrial intelligence (AI) at the edge

Greatly reduced EQUIPMENT failure and downtime

An average 20% reduction power consumption

Intelligent OVERSIGHT using AI to identify production problems

AI at the edge drives transportation

Instant decision-making means improved safety and efficiency

From personal automobiles to large commercial fleets, transportation is poised to undergo significant technological advances thanks to the benefits of edge computing.

The autonomous vehicle market alone is projected to reach nearly $600 billion by 2026. But while self-driving cars might be seen as the primary focus, artificial intelligence (AI) at the edge will transform autonomous trucks, drones, military vehicles, heavy construction and mining machinery, farm equipment, delivery services, municipal vehicles, ships and aircraft.

All of these transportation solutions benefit from the security and real-time decision-making of localised data analysis that can mean the difference between proper functioning and major disruption for companies and consumers alike.

Farnell and its technology partners provide innovative hardware to help accelerate the deployment of AI at the edge solutions. Discover how leading suppliers are offering the cutting-edge technology to make it happen.

An estimated 90% reduction in traffic deaths

Upto 60% drop in harmful emissions

Functionality 24/7/365 maximizing equipment ROI

Increased EFFICIENCY through speed and lower operational costs