Tietoja valmistajasta: ENDRESS HAUSER

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is a global leader in measurement instrumentation, services and solutions for industrial process engineering and offers process solutions for flow, level, pressure, analytics, temperature, recording and digital communications. Measuring instruments from Endress+Hauser enable customers to operate their plants economically and safely, achieve optimum product quality and protect people and the environment. Read more

Popular Categories
Food & Beverage

RST 4-225 - M12 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Male, straight, 4-pin, A-coded, translucent body, 230 V AC/DC, 4 A; PUR black cable, 4-wires, 0.34 mm²

Power & Energy

RKMV 3-224 - M8 Standard Sensor/Actuator Single-Ended Cordset: Female, straight, 3-pin, A-coded, translucent body, 50 V AC / 60 V DC, 4 A; PUR black cable, 3-wires, 0.34 mm²

Oil & Gas

0980 ESL 311-111 - LioN-P, EtherNet/IP I/O Device, 16DI (8x M12), 7/8" Power Supply, Metal, 60 mm

Water & Wastewater Treatment

GDM 3009 Black - DIN Valve Connector, Form A, Field Attachable, 3+Ground, PG 9, Black Housing, without circuitry, 250 V

Featured Products
Picomag DMA15

Electromagnetic flowmeter for utilities


Temperature transmitter

Waterpilot FMX11

Hydrostatic level sensor for water

iTherm CompactLine TM311

Thermometer, IO-Link + 4-20mA

Liquiphant FTL31

Vibronic level switch for liquids

Cerabar PMC21

Pressure transducer with ceramic sensor

Micropilot FMR10

Radar level sensor for all industries

RIA15 Loop-powered indicator

Display for 4-20mA or HART

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Automation & Process Control

Development Boards, Evaluation Tools

Office, Computer & Networking Products

Power & Line Protection

Sensors & Transducers

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Automation & Process Control

Development Boards, Evaluation Tools

Power & Line Protection

Sensors & Transducers

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