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We are continually investing in expanding the breadth and depth of our product range to provide you with a one stop-source for all your design project needs that gives you a comprehensive but straight to the point access to all essential elements and accessories of your chosen equipment.

Designing the most suitable enclosure or finding the best probe, the right soldering tip and the perfect connector match has never been this easy with our fast and easy to use, digital selector guides and interactive catalogue for your probes, soldering and connectors needs.

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Selection guides

Tektronix probe selector

Terktronix probe

Use our probe selector guide to quickly find and choose the right probe for your oscilloscope.

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Rohde & Schwarz probe selector

Rohde & Schwarz probe

Browse our R&S probe selector guide to quickly find and choose the right probe for your oscilloscope.

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Soldering tip selector guide

Soldering tip

Browse our single source soldering tip selector guide tip guide and find the system solution that works for you.

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Connector guide


Explore our new industry first connector e-guide and find your perfect match

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Custom enclosures


Offering standard modification or complete customisation of enclosures to support your design.

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Emergency Stop Configurator

Emergency Stop Configurator

Configure and order your individual Emergency Stop Switches.

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eBook : The innovation experts - Test & Measurement

The innovation experts’ eBook features interviews with leading global experts on the future of instrumentation for test, measurement, and related technologies.

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