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New products from Murata for industrial, energy and healthcare applications. Featuring the MGN1, MGJ1 SIP and MGJ2B for gate drive applications with ultra low capacitance, high DV/DT capabilities.
The NME1, NMR1 and NMV1 are cost effective, extended temperature range, 1 W 5V to 5V isolated DC-DC converters.
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MGJ1 SIP Series
The MGJ1 SIP series of DC-DC converters is ideal for powering ‘high side’ and ‘low side’ gate drive circuits for IGBT/Mosfet, SiC & GaN gate drives in bridge circuits. A choice of asymmetric output voltages allows optimum drive levels for best system efficiency and EMI. The MGJ1 SIP series is characterised for high isolation and dv/dt requirements commonly seen in bridge circuits used in motor drives and inverters, while the MGJ1 SIP high operating temperature rating and construction gives long service life and reliability.

MGN1 Series
The MGN1 series of DC-DC converters is ideal for powering ‘high side’ and ‘low side’ gate drive circuits for GaN in bridge circuits. A choice of output voltages allows optimum drive levels for best system efficiency. The MGN1 series is characterised for high isolation requirements commonly seen in bridge circuits used in motor drives and inverters, while the MGN1 industrial grade temperature rating and construction gives long service life and reliability.

MGJ2 Series
The MGJ2B series of DC-DC converters is ideal for powering ‘high side’ and ‘low side’ gate drive circuits for IGBT/SiC and Mosfet gate drives in bridge circuits. A choice of asymmetric output voltages allows optimum drive levels for best system efficiency and EMI. The MGJ2B series is characterised for high isolation and dv/dt requirements commonly seen in bridge circuits used in motor drives and inverters, while the MGJ2B extended temperature range and construction gives long service life and reliability.

NME1 Series
The NME1 series of DC-DC converters is particularly suited to isolating and/or converting DC power rails. The galvanic isolation allows the device to be configured to provide an isolated negative rail in systems where only positive rails exist. The wide temperature range guarantees startup from –40°C up to 115°C.

NMR1 Series
The NMR1 series of extended industrial temperature range DC-DC converters are the standard building blocks for on-board distributed power systems. They are ideally suited for providing single rail supplies on primarily digital boards with the added benefit of galvanic isolation to reduce switching noise. Surface mount technology and advanced packaging materials produce rugged reliable performance over an extended temperature range from -40ºC up to 115ºC.

NMV1 Series
The NMV1 series of extended industrial temperature range DC-DC converters are the standard building blocks for on-board distributed power systems. They are ideally suited for providing local supplies on control system boards with the added benefit of 3kVDC galvanic isolation to reduce switching noise.